Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

We had a great Christmas! After Christmas Mimi came for a few days. I'll post on both this week!

Tonight we got together with a few great friends. I love love love seeing all of our kids play. The big boys are into building forts on the bunk bed. I love it. It's crazy...but the best kind of crazy! Corbin, Addison and Highland loved pushing strollers and buggies around.

Addison insisted on wearing her bathing suit with a pink fur jacket. Since we were just going to Chris and carries and they love her like she were theirs we let her. I really thought shed regret it. She didn't. She walked in, dropped her coat and ran on to play like it was totally normal.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A walk with Mommy

Today Brian and Lisa took the big kids up to Brian's school to play with Caden's new helicopter toy.

Collins and I decided to take a jog to the horses despite my terrible headache. We made it. It was a great workout....that stroller is great resistance.

Collins looked precious. I introduced a snack trap to her. I don't think she gets it yet. She will though.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry 1st Christmas Collins!


November was just as busy! Caden and Addison were in the Children's Christmas play at church. We had the most precious shepard there!

Typical...but I LOVE IT!

Addison sang in church for the first time! She was precious...

until her friend Aiden stepped infront of her. Then she shoved her polietly out of the way without missing a note!

On a warm November day they helped their daddy rake leaves and played in them. Addison tries to dress in summer clothes every. single. day! This day it looks like she convinced her daddy that it was a good idea!

For Thanksgiving this year we headed to Florida to see Mimi, Pop Pop and the gang! We had a great time and loved the nice weather!

While we were there Mimi and Pop Pop had a photographer capture some pictures of the gang!

We enjoyed an evening out by the pool. We had a bon fire and roasted Marshmellows. Caden and I prefer ours right out of the bag but still enjoyed the fire!

October Recap

October was a busy month! We took the kids to Razz and Tazz farm and had a great time! We took what we thought would be a stroll through the corn maze. It was a SERIOUS corn maze! Thankfully just as the kids were starting to melt down and get frustrated we found our way out!

At least we know when they're unsure of something they'll stick together and take care of each other!

In October we took a trip to Atlanta and enjoyed the Aquarium and the Coke Museum!

We had a GREAT time at Trunk or Treat! Over 500 Bibles were given out!! God is good! I have to say....there was an adorable little duck there!

Caden got several awards at the award ceremony! He had perfect attendance and is a great team member in his classroom!

Addison was Rapunzel and had a great time playing with Leah!

Greensboro's best undercover cop stopped by trunk or treat! Just trying to do his job and keep us all safe!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our morning.

This morning we are just hanging out before I head to Caden's school for his family feast. We are having Brians office staff over tonight so Collins and I picked up the big kids rooms and then played in hers!

You can see from the pictures what adeliz is doing....10 points if you am guess the movie. Hint: we've watched it at least 5 times since Saturday. (tangled!)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Collins eats Mac and cheese

Tonight is Collins first time eating table food. She loves it.

(I also fixed the blog I think!)