Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Before Disney!

Before we came to Disney we kicked off our week with a bang. On Thursday the girls and I jumped on a plane and headed to Daytona to spend some time with Lisa and Calen and the gang. We had a great time. Brian and Caden got in late Friday night and Saturday we headed to the boardwalk for some games and fun!! Friday Addison declared that it was her doll Sophie's birthday. Mimi was a great sport and played along...Addison and Mimi made a birthday cake and we sang and of course ate!

Animal Kingdom

Today we headed for Animal Kingdom!  We had a GREAT day!  The kids said several times this is the BEST DAY EVER!  I'm sure they'll say that everyday this week!  We started our day with the safari!  

 The kids LOVED this ride earlier in the day so Brian took them back this evening.  This morning they didn't get wet at all...this evening they got soaked!!  Their faces are priceless!