Four years ago at 6:04 in the morning. We welcomed Addison Elizabeth into our lives. You were spunky and sweet from the moment you were born.
You are so funny...always keeping us on our toes!
You are by far our deepest thinker...always asking more indepth questions.
You are without a doubt Daddy's girl most of the time but sometimes you flip it and are a mommy's girl.
I love that when you get excited your throw your hands up with the biggest smile and squeal!!
You are always up for an adventure as long as it does not include heights.
You love Caden and Collins and they love you!
We celebrated you today with breakfast with Adie and then a trip to Safari Nation. You had a blast! Then you wanted to go to Grandma's house to make your cake. I hope you enjoy being 4 sweet girl!
Next week I will come back and put how tall you are and how much you weigh!